ar X iv : h ep - t h / 93 10 09 9 v 2 2 8 O ct 1 99 3 Chern - Simons Soliton Dynamics in Modular Parameter
We study dynamics of non-relativistic Chern-Simons solitons, both in the absence and in the presence of external fields. We find that a phase, related to the 1-cocyle of the Galileo group, must be included to give the correct dy-namical behavior. We show that interactions among Chern-Simons solitons are mediated by an effective Chern-Simons gauge field induced by the soli-tons. In the two soliton case, we evaluate analytically the effective interaction Lagrangian, which previously was found numerically. under contract #DE-AC02-76ER03069.
منابع مشابه
ar X iv : h ep - t h / 93 04 10 3 v 1 2 2 A pr 1 99 3 EHU - FT - 93 April 1993 THREE - LOOP CALCULATION OF THE ANYONIC FULL CLUSTER EXPANSION
We calculate the perturbative correction to every cluster coefficient of a gas of anyons through second order in the anyon coupling constant, as described by Chern-Simons field theory.
متن کاملar X iv : h ep - t h / 97 10 11 3 v 1 1 4 O ct 1 99 7 Domain walls in a Chern - Simons theory
Theories with gauge fields coupled to matter fields in (2+1) space dimensions present novel effects as compared to the (3+1) dimensional case. In planar systems the Chern-Simons term (CS) can supplement (sometimes replace) the Maxwell term in the action for the gauge field [1] . Additionally, the covariant coupling to the scalar field can be modified by the inclusion of an extra term, which is ...
متن کاملar X iv : h ep - t h / 98 11 08 5 v 1 9 N ov 1 99 8 Vortex Solutions in the Chern - Simons Stuekelberg Model
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ar X iv : h ep - t h / 98 12 13 2 v 2 3 0 D ec 1 99 8 Lorentz and PCT Violating Chern - Simons Term in the Derivative Expansion of QED ∗
We calculate by the method of dimensional regularization and derivative expansion the one-loop effective action for a Dirac fermion with a Lorentz-violating and PCT-odd kinetic term in the background of a gauge field. We show that this term induces a Chern-Simons modification to Maxwell theory. Some related issues are also discussed.
متن کاملar X iv : h ep - t h / 98 03 07 9 v 1 1 0 M ar 1 99 8 Causal Theory for the Gauged Thirring Model
We consider the (2 + 1)-dimensional massive Thirring model as a gauge theory, with one fermion flavor, in the framework of the causal perturbation theory and address the problem of dynamical mass generation for the gauge boson. In this context we get an unambiguous expression for the coefficient of the induced Chern-Simons term.
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